Category:Signed books
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English: Books inscribed by the author
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Media in category "Signed books"
The following 55 files are in this category, out of 55 total.
1931 Franz Werfel autograph.jpg 1,780 × 2,809; 497 KB
Act-first-congress-william-blount-tn1.jpg 1,207 × 983; 347 KB
Alan Moore1.jpg 768 × 1,024; 459 KB
Autograph by Dr Shahbaz Malik on his book Rooprang.JPG 940 × 1,827; 84 KB
Autographed copy of "Autobiography of Andrew D.White" Volume 1.jpg 4,002 × 5,778; 1.71 MB
Autographed copy of The Revolution by Ron Paul.jpg 604 × 453; 46 KB
Autorska dedykacja w kaiążce z księgozbioru Kazimierza Obtułowicza.tif 1,332 × 2,013; 6.17 MB
Bernard Malamud The Natural signed copy.jpg 3,217 × 2,397; 922 KB
Book signed by Alfred de Tarde.JPG 640 × 480; 145 KB
Book signed by Charles Lalo offered to Victor Basch.JPG 640 × 480; 141 KB
Book signed by Duplessy offered to Roger Bastide.JPG 640 × 480; 145 KB
Book signed by Roger Mauduit and offered to Henri Bergson.JPG 640 × 480; 138 KB
BookerTWashington signed book.jpg 1,320 × 1,618; 395 KB
Carol Ryrie Brink sig.jpg 530 × 400; 41 KB
Charles Yale Harrison signatureJPG.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.03 MB
7Aug09 1978 Habla chilena 2.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 1.41 MB
Double Duty autograph.JPG 2,048 × 1,536; 787 KB
Edmond Jaloux signature.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.41 MB
Ennio Flaiano-Tempo di uccidere-dedica-coll. Fausta Samaritani.png 2,342 × 2,720; 6.1 MB
Freedom (2010 title page, signed by Jonathan Franzen).jpg 412 × 667; 75 KB
JB Xuriguera001.jpg 1,589 × 2,138; 308 KB
Jerzy Litwiniuk autograph.jpg 302 × 480; 16 KB
Josep Masso Ventos.jpg 1,314 × 870; 140 KB
Laudomia Bonanni-Le droghe-Bompiani 1982-copia autografata.png 2,382 × 3,140; 8.03 MB
Laudomia Bonanni-Vietato ai minori-Bompiani 1974-copia con dedica.png 2,372 × 2,260; 5.95 MB
Miriam Raskin signature.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.54 MB
Museum of Archdiocese in Gniezno - book with a signature of John Paul II.JPG 3,264 × 2,448; 3.63 MB
Parchi letterari dell'Ottocento-curatore Stanislao Nievo-dedica a Fausta Samaritani.png 2,272 × 3,060; 6.1 MB
Philippine Book Festival World Trade Pasay 24.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 783 KB
Plants and their ways in south africa author inscribed copy.jpg 2,132 × 3,369; 544 KB
Poemes en ondes hertzianes1.jpg 1,200 × 1,940; 1.71 MB
Portada libro de Daniel Baldi donado a la Biblioteca.jpg 94 × 166; 3 KB
Quentin Crisp's Signature.jpg 1,148 × 1,860; 651 KB
Sarah signed by JT LeRoy.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 414 KB
Shichimi.jpg 687 × 1,149; 120 KB
Signature de Georges Duhamel.JPG 872 × 729; 109 KB
Signature in a book Padre Quevedo.JPG 1,152 × 864; 182 KB
Signature of Iryna Vilde.jpg 842 × 640; 181 KB
Signed copy of Vee Kativhu's new book (51722865585).jpg 3,096 × 4,128; 2.96 MB
Signed inscribed book by John Luther Long to Florence Earle Coates.jpg 1,855 × 2,865; 3.85 MB
Stanislao Nievo-Il padrone della notte-2 edizione-dedica a Fausta Samaritani.png 2,222 × 2,780; 6.66 MB
Stanislao Nievo-Il palazzo del silenzio-1edizione-dedica a Fausta Samaritani.png 2,191 × 2,455; 4.62 MB
Stanislao Nievo-Il sorriso degli dei-Marsilio-dedica a Fausta Samaritani.png 2,362 × 3,110; 7.1 MB
Stanislao Nievo-Mater Matuta-Marsilio-dedica a Fausta Samaritani.png 2,432 × 3,920; 7.24 MB
The Federalist (1st ed, 1788, vol I, title page) - 02.jpg 432 × 700; 92 KB
The Federalist (1st ed, 1788, vol I, title page).jpg 600 × 972; 125 KB
ULYSSES with Hemingway Signature - NARA - 192691.jpg 2,531 × 3,150; 2.5 MB
Verne - Clovis Dardentor, Hetzel, 1900 (page 8 crop).jpg 2,080 × 3,245; 1.23 MB
Verne - Clovis Dardentor, Hetzel, 1900 (page 9 crop).jpg 1,117 × 1,175; 223 KB
Verne - Clovis Dardentor, Hetzel, 1900.djvu 2,690 × 4,186, 272 pages; 11.11 MB
Walter Bagehot (1963) by Norman St John-Stevas (cover and half title signed by author).jpg 3,248 × 2,430; 1.46 MB
חתימה1 רבי חיים שושנה.jpg 1,512 × 2,016; 179 KB